Spring Tree Care: Top 4 Tips To Grow A Thriving Tree This Spring

Spring is here and NOW is the perfect time to assess winter tree damages carefully, and prepare the greens for a thriving, successful summer.

We all know, winters can be really harsh for trees! But with the spring kicking in, it marks the ideal time to provide your trees with some extra attention and love. 

Essentially most of the trees were in hibernation for the past 3 months. Now with  brighter sun, and the temperature getting warmer, trees are ready to blossom.

But before all, a few steps need to  be carried out to help revert them back to their full glory.

Here are 4 essential spring care tips that can help to keep trees healthy and green.

4 Tips for Spring Tree Care

  1. Pruning

As the spring starts, the first thing to do is prune the trees. Make sure you remove the diseased and dead branches that have been affected by the harsh winter weather. For bigger and more established trees, hiring a professional tree services company is the best decision. Their experts will come to your property to assess trees and ensure that they stay in good shape and thrive.

  1. Replace Mulch

Mulch helps in preventing water from evaporating away from the tree, retaining more moisture in the ground. Make sure you cover the soils with a  3-5 inch layer of mulch from the base of the trunk, circling around the tree. In addition to assisting the trees with retaining moisture, mulch can also help in suppressing weed growth.

  1. Fertilize the Trees

Making sure your trees are properly fertilized is essential to ensure they grow and blossom in the correct manner. Using a slow-release fertilizer can help in improving the plants’ resistance to insects, weather and other diseases. Use about ¼ to ½ pound of nitrogen per inch of diameter for large trees and for smaller trees ¼ of a pound to keep trees healthy.

  1. Remove Weeds

With the lack of care, there’s a good chance your garden will be full of weeds. These weeds compete with the trees for water and nutrients. Make sure you remove all these plants by cutting back the tops of perennial weeds and stopping them before spreading.

Final Thoughts

If you want to enjoy your spring under the green and relaxing shade of your garden trees, make sure you focus on the above things and provide them with extra care.

For any doubts or professional tree care, you can contact Branch Specialists! They are known for providing the best tree trimming services in New Jersey. Contact us and your free quotation today!


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